We are Vevox

The #1 rated polling and Q&A platform

Trusted by 1000’s of businesses and universities around the world Vevox has established itself as a simple to use, market leading and much-loved real-time audience engagement platform for the workplace and classes. 

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Average user rating​

5* company

Rated 5/5 by employees on Glassdoor​

Our story

Image of Vevox team

The team behind Vevox have been giving everyone an equal chance to be heard in business, education, events and television for more than 20 years with cutting edge audience response solutions.

Technologies have evolved beyond all recognition driving our continued mission to channel our deep understanding of presenters and audiences to deliver the most seamless, simple and effective audience response solution for training sessions, meetings and classes possible.

Vevox proudly sits in the top spot as the #1 user rating Polling and Q&A platform in the world today.

The meaning of Vevox: “Value Every Voice”

Image of Vevox team

Vevox was created with a deep understanding of the importance of valuing every voice. The name itself was inspired by the Latin word "vox," which translates to "voice." Vevox recognized that in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it can be challenging to ensure that every voice is heard. They wanted to create a platform that would allow people to share their feedback and ideas in a way that was easy, interactive, and engaging in important stages of life such as in education and in corporate meetings. The name Vevox represents the power of technology to bring people together and amplify their voices, creating a more inclusive and collaborative world.