The Vevox Community

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Join the Vevox community

Image of Vevox team

What is the Vevox community?

The #1 rated student response tool for Universities 

Our commitment to you

1. Sharing ‘best practice’ on workflows, methodologies and pedagogies, i.e. giving you new ideas on how Vevox is used in other UK and Irish Universities/IT’s. 

2. Twice yearly face-to-face meeting with our Product Development Team

3. Potential to be involved in pre-testing (Beta) of Vevox before it goes live. 

What we expect from Community members  

1. To be an active user in the community

2. Commit 1 hour per quarter.  

3. Collect staff and colleague feedback on an ongoing basis

Introducing the Vevox Community

Image of Vevox team

If you love Vevox, want to learn more and share your ideas, tip & tricks and more? Then your in the right place... as the Vevox User Community is here! The community is a user led space on the platform on Microsoft Teams. It allows users to be able to share stories and advice, as well as share tips and their passion for making classes engaging! 

Learn more on our blog

Top rated

with an average score of 4.8 on multiple review platforms.