Welcome to YOUR Vevox Community!
The Vevox User Community is here! The community is a user led space for sharing ideas, tips, tricks and any clever ways Vevox can be used to create fun classes and boost student engagement!
Hosted on MS teams, the community is a fantastic place for our most valued educational users to come together and meet likeminded people. This will build on an already strong partnership between Vevox and its users – highlighting how much we value the need for a customer service team that truly cares.

The community, while hosted and setup by the Vevox team, is intended to be a place that can feel owned by its users, with organic, original content. There won’t be too many rules or stipulations early on as we want the founding members of the community to help shape the space and outline how it will be used going forward!
Essential community information
This exciting community has been launched with around 20 Vevox User Community ambassadors from various educational institutions. As such, the community will be by invite and application only to begin with however in the future, there is most definitely potential for the community to become a place open to people who may not even be Vevox users, but who want to learn more about the product and ways that users are implementing Vevox to increase engagement.

MS Teams was chosen as the best place for the community to be hosted on, as it’s already a space plenty of people are working from and using daily. It’s a simple space to access and people will already know how to use and navigate it.
What can you expect from the User Community?
As we’ve outlined already, the community is going to be a fantastic place for educational users to come together, share ideas on best practice for how to use Vevox and feel part of a growing Vevox community – but that’s not all!
We’ll be hosting regular webinars within the community, which will be across a range of subject areas depending on key themes and aligned with what YOU, the users, would like to see. What’s more, there’s a strong desire to run some face to face community meet-ups/events, which will be great both for networking but also managing to meet up with people you may have had various conversations with virtually but never had the chance to meet in person!

For our users, by our users
It’s imperative that this community is a space that should feel owned by the users that are a part of it. We want you, our valued customers to own this space and be in control of content, themes and above all else – make the community what you want it to be.
Additionally, the community can act as a space for users to suggest and discuss new ideas for any ways Vevox can be improved – and through meeting with the product team here at Vevox, you can directly have an influence on any future Vevox updates, and really help shape the future roadmap of Vevox.
Would YOU like to be a part of the Vevox community? Get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or a member of the Vevox team to get involved!
Alternatively, click here to fill in our short form to join - we can’t wait to welcome you!