Get instant  audience feedback with Vevox

The #1 rated anonymous polling and Q&A platform

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Collect instant audience feedback

Collect instant audience feedback

The Vevox platform is an interactive way to get instant insights form your audience. So, whether you’re running an internal comms meeting, a conference or class... getting feedback in a moments notice has never been easier. So how can you do this? With the AWESOME features that Vevox has to offer: 

    • Anonymous live polling for honest feedback
    • Anonymous Q&A & real-time discussion
    • Live quizzing to check audience knowledge 
Get started for FREE

We had great engagement and huge enthusiasm for the tool - we're already thinking about how we can weave Vevox into our upcoming internal broadcasts. The team at Vevox have been world-class in their professionalism, enthusiasm and communication and really helped us to get up and running.

David - Kellogg Europe
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Getting audience feedback from PowerPoint polling

Getting audience feedback from PowerPoint polling

Instant insights from PowerPoint polls

Getting real-time feedback from your presentations has never been easier with Vevox's PowerPoint polling add-in. Learn more about 3 ways you can effectively use PowerPoint polls to get honest audience feedback. 

Learn more