10 fun facts about working in higher education

Higher Education

Ben Waugh
by Ben Waugh
10 fun facts about working in higher education

Whether you're a seasoned academic, considering a career shift into academia, or simply curious about what goes on behind the scenes at colleges and universities, this article promises to shed some light on the lesser-known, enjoyable aspects of working in this field.   Here are ten interesting, stat-based fun facts that highlight the unique and impactful nature of working in higher education.

10 intriguing facts and statistics about working in higher education

Without further ado here are the top ten fun facts... have we missed a great one in this list? Let us know by dropping us an email or tagging us in a social media comment! 

1. A hub for lifelong learning

"60% of college and university staff pursue further education or professional development opportunities offered by their institutions," according to a survey by the Chronicle of Higher Education. This statistic underscores the continuous learning environment that higher education environments foster, not just for students but for employees as well.

2. Global cultures and languages

With international students comprising over 5.5% of the total U.S. higher education population in the 2019/2020 academic year (Institute of International Education), campuses across the country are buzzing with a diverse blend of cultures, languages, and unique perspectives.

3. Never a dull moment

According to a recent administrative survey, "over 75% of university staff say that no two days are the same in their job roles," highlighting the dynamic and unpredictable nature of working on a college campus.

4. Pioneers in technology adoption

A study by Educause found that "92% of faculty and staff in higher education believe that technology is a crucial part of academic success." This statistic not only reflects the sector's quick adoption of cutting-edge tools but also its commitment to preparing students for a digital world.

5. Speaking in acronyms

Acronymns feature a lot in learning and it is no different when it comes to higher education. From FAFSA and MOOCs to STEM and HBCUs, these unique abbreviations form a significant part of the industry's terminology, illustrating its complex structure and wide array of specialized areas.

6. The power of 'aha' moments

A survey by the American Psychological Association found that "teachers in higher education rank student epiphanies and breakthroughs as one of the top rewarding aspects of their job," showcasing the gratifying experience of facilitating learning and discovery. Many colleges and universities around the world are a hub for key research impacting health, environmental and social causes. 

7. Academic workload throughout the year

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average full-time faculty member spends 53 hours per week on all work-related activities, showcasing the ebb and flow of academic workloads which often shift with the changing seasons of the academic year.

8. Traditions and quirks

From MIT's "Pumpkin Drop" experiment to the University of Virginia's "Rotunda Sing," higher education institutions are famous for their unique and often longstanding traditions. These events create a rich tapestry of campus culture that is as varied as the institutions themselves.

9. Frontline of research and innovation

The National Science Foundation reported that "in 2018, universities and colleges performed 54% of all basic research in the United States." This statistic highlights higher education's pivotal role not only in educating future generations but in driving forward scientific and scholarly research.

10. Expansive networking opportunities

A LinkedIn report indicates that "academics and staff in higher education have, on average, connections from at least 10 different industries on their LinkedIn profiles," exemplifying the sector's diverse network, which spans across various fields and disciplines.

The future of higher education... 

The world of higher education is not only a cornerstone of knowledge and development but also a source of fascinating insights. From the cultural diversity on campuses and the fast-paced adoption of technology to the unpredictable daily experiences and the immense value of networking, these statistics provide a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of working within this sector. Indeed, higher education offers a unique blend of challenges and rewards, making it an extraordinary place to build a career.

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