Effective word cloud questions for Educators in Universities & Colleges
Word clouds can be a fun and engaging way to get insights into the thoughts and opinions of students on various topics related to their student and academic lives. By asking specific questions and analyzing the resulting word clouds, educators and administrators can gain valuable insights into student experiences and their preferences. However, live word clouds can be used just to create a fun engaging student experience that is memorable. Read on to discover 50+ of the best live word cloud questions that can be used in your classes and workshops to spark discussion and engagement.
Freshmen/Fresher word cloud examples:
Being a freshman or fresher (as it is known in the UK) can be a nerve-racking time when you are in your first year of University. Breaking the ice with some discussions and thought-provoking word cloud polls can help to create camaraderie amongst students. Here are 10 classic examples of word cloud polling questions to run for freshman classes:
What are you most excited about for your freshman year?
Who is your role model in life?
What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of college?
What are your biggest concerns or fears about starting college?
What are your goals for your first semester/year of college?
What extracurricular activities or clubs interest you the most?
What do you hope to gain from your college education?
What words best describe your ideal college experience?
What's the most important thing you want to learn in college?
What challenges do you anticipate facing during your college years?
Course evaluation word cloud examples
It's important as class teachers and educators that you get honest feedback on how students are getting on in your modules. Word cloud polls are great for not only having fun or for sparking discussion, but for getting real live feedback from your students. This way you can get an accurate gauge of how they are feeling at that moment in time. Here are 20 questions that you can use straight away for feedback in your courses that work well for word cloud polls:
What’s the best class/subject you’ve ever taken?
Who was your best lecturer this year?
What do you think is the most important quality for a teacher to have?
What's been your favorite topic to study so far in this course?
What do you find most challenging about this course?
What inspired you to take this course?
What's the most interesting fact or concept you've learned in this course?
What study strategies have you found to be most effective for this course?
What's been the most surprising thing you've learned in this course?
What's been the most fun project or assignment you've worked on in this course?
What's been your favorite reading or resource for this course?
What's the most valuable thing you've learned in this course so far?
What would you change about this course to make it more interesting or engaging?
What topics or concepts do you wish were covered in more depth in this course?
What career paths do you think this course could prepare you for?
What do you think the biggest challenge of this course will be?
What's been the most useful skill you've learned in this course?
What advice would you give to someone considering taking this course?
What's been the most engaging lecture or discussion in this course?
What are your thoughts on the overall structure and organization of this course?

Word cloud questions for general student life
Although word cloud polls are effective as tools for feedback, crowdsourcing ideas and provoking meaningful classroom debate, they are also great just to spark some fun into a room when energy is low. If you're looking for some general questions you can ask your students to break up your class content, then here are 13 great questions to ask your students:
What's your current favorite show to binge-watch on Netflix?
Who is your famous actor/actress lookalike?
What's your favorite movie?
What band are you obsessed with now?
What do you enjoy most about being a student?
How do you balance your academic work with your social life?
What do you think could be done to improve the student experience on campus?
What is one thing you would like to do better as a student?
What book/movie/show can you watch over and over again without getting bored?
What is your mode of transport right now?
What is your favorite party drink?
What part of student life is the most exciting?
What challenges do you currently face as a student?
Word cloud examples for postgraduate students:
Post-graduate students often find themselves with challenges facing the bridge between college life and the careers they are wanting to kickstart. With this in mind, the questions that you might ask freshmen and maturer students would be different to approach the stages that they are both in. Here are 10 examples of word cloud polls that work well for post-graduate students to help start discussions around the next stage of their lives in their working industries:
What are your biggest goals for your post-graduation life?
What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of your future career?
What are your biggest fears or concerns about entering the job market?
What do you hope to achieve in your first job after graduation?
What skills do you think are most important for success in your chosen career?
What's the most important thing you learned during your time in college?
What advice would you give to incoming college students?
What words best describe the type of work culture you want to be a part of?
What do you think are the biggest challenges facing your industry?
What are some of the most important trends or developments in your field of study?

Why not try a live word cloud poll today?
Sign up for a Vevox account today to try Vevox's live word cloud polling for your classes to engage students and create true collaboration. Vevox is voted the #1 platform for word cloud polling by thousands of colleges and universities around the world... so you're in good company!
Word Cloud Resources
- What is a word cloud and how can I use word cloud polling?: https://www.vevox.com/blog/what-is-a-word-cloud-and-how-can-i-use-word-cloud-polling
- 7 best word cloud generators: https://www.vevox.com/blog/what-is-a-live-word-cloud-7-best-word-cloud-generators
- Vevox's Word Cloud Polling: https://www.vevox.com/features/word-cloud