90+ of the best word cloud poll questions for meetings

Polling l Q&A l Quiz Tips

Rechelle Vermaak
by Rechelle Vermaak
90+ of the best word cloud poll questions for meetings

Perfect word cloud questions for businesses & workplace meetings 

Live word clouds can be used in a variety of business settings to gather feedback and insights from customers, employees, and other stakeholders. With word clouds being the most popular polling type, Vevox allows meeting participants to enter one or more words live in the moment, making engagement easier and ensuring the word cloud grows dynamically as the votes come in to show you what the audience is thinking. 

We've researched the best word cloud polling questions that can be used in a variety of business contexts and industries. Read on to learn about the 90+ word cloud questions that can be used in your meetings and businesses for effective feedback

Employee word cloud examples: 

Word cloud polls are great for getting instant and honest feedback from your employees. Lots of workplaces use live word clouds to kickstart a meeting and for summarising meeting topics as well as to help employees retain information and raise further discussion points. Below we have supplied 10 examples of how word cloud polls can be used to ask employees for feedback: 

  • What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of our brand? 
  • What words best describe the culture and atmosphere of our company? 
  • What do you think of our website design and layout? 
  • What do you think our company's strengths are? 
  • What do you think our company's weaknesses are? 
  • What do you think our company's biggest focus is? 
  • What do you think holds our company together? 
  • What are you most concerned about in the next quarter? 
  • What are your biggest obstacles this week? 
  • When applying for a new job, what do you look for in a company?

Product research word cloud poll examples

The versatility of word clouds means that they can be used in many business scenarios including even for product or market research. You can run these questions both internally or externally with customers to get instant and honest feedback from them to make key decisions for the advancements of your product or services that you offer to the marketplace. Here are 12 questions you can use an interactive word cloud polls for product research: 

  • What's your favorite thing about our product/service? 
  • What are the most important factors that influence your purchasing decisions? 
  • What do you associate this product with? 
  • When are you most likely to be interested in purchasing this product? 
  • What's the most important thing we can do to improve our product/service? 
  • What features would you like to see in our next product release? 
  • When do you typically use this product? 
  • How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend? 
  • What other competitor products do you consider buying? 
  • Where would you like to buy this product? 
  • How long have you been using this product? 
  • What do you dislike about this product? 

Customer service word cloud poll examples: 

Word cloud polls are also a great way for getting honest and uninhibited feedback. That's why that can also work perfectly to get a holistic feedback overview on your customer experience at your company. Word cloud polls can be anonymous thus making it more likely for participants to leave genuine feedback that you want to know about. Here are 10 key questions that you can use to get a better idea of how your customer service is performing. 

  • What words best describe your experience with our customer service? 
  • How regularly have you used our customer service in the past? 
  • How could we improve our customer service to better meet your needs? 
  • What's the funniest thing you've ever said or heard said to a customer service representative? 
  • If you could have a conversation with a fictional character who works in customer service, who would that be? 
  • What's one thing you wish more customer service representatives would do? 
  • Do you like, dislike, hate, love or don’t mind our customer service? 
  • What do you think of our customer service turnaround time? 
  • How easily did you manage to get in contact with our customer service representative? 
  • Based on your recent support call, how easy or difficult was it to interact with our agent? 

Industry-related word cloud poll examples: 

Another way interactive word clouds can be used is to collect industry-related feedback from stakeholders and experts. Industry professionals can quickly analyse what is important to them in their industry to gauge threats and opportunities to their business. Here are 10 key feedback questions that can help with this: 

  • What are the most common challenges facing your industry? 
  • What are the biggest opportunities for growth in our industry? 
  • What is your best idea for new technology? 
  • What are the key trends driving the future of our industry? 
  • What are the most innovative products or services in our industry? 
  • What are the most important skills or qualifications for success in our industry? 
  • What are the most important metrics for measuring success in our industry? 
  • What are the most significant regulatory or policy issues affecting our industry? 
  • What are the most important factors driving customer purchasing decisions in our industry? 
  • What are the biggest threats to the sustainability of our industry? 

HR industry word cloud poll examples:  

HR professionals can utilise word cloud polls to gain insights into employee opinions and experiences and to check in with morale levels across departments. HR professionals can also use word clouds to gather feedback on specific topics such as employee engagement, benefits, and workplace culture, and to identify areas for improvement. Here are 13 ways HR pros can use word cloud polls across a business: 

  • What are the most important qualities you look for in a job candidate? 
  • What benefits are most important to you in a job? 
  • How satisfied are you with the onboarding process at this company? 
  • How comfortable do you feel asking for and taking time off for personal reasons? 
  • How often do you feel recognized for your work by your manager? 
  • What is your preferred method of receiving feedback? 
  • How satisfied are you with the training and development opportunities provided by this company? 
  • How comfortable do you feel bringing up concerns or issues with your manager? 
  • How well do you feel the company handles workplace conflicts or issues? 
  • How effective do you think the company is at recognizing and addressing employee burnout? 
  • How satisfied are you with the flexibility of your work schedule? 
  • What type of work environment do you thrive in? 
  • Any ideas on how to improve our current work recognition process? 

Retail industry word cloud poll examples:  

Live word cloud polls can be valuable for the retail industry, enabling retailers to quickly gather customer feedback and identify where they need to improve. By using word cloud polls, retailers can gain insights into customer preferences, opinions, and experiences. Retailers can use word clouds to gather feedback on specific products, services, or store experiences, and to identify areas for improvement. Here are the top 10 polls to run for retail businesses. 

  • What do you think of our store layout and design? 
  • When do you typically shop at this store? 
  • How important is the store location to you? 
  • What is more important to you: good quality products, discounts, open every day, well stocked, quick check out, big variety, other?  
  • How important is the speed of the checkout process to you? 
  • What type of loyalty program do you prefer? 
  • What payment options do you prefer? 
  • How quickly do you need your online purchase? 
  • What channels do you like to use to give feedback? 
  • How satisfied are you with the customer service provided by this store? 

Meeting evaluation word cloud poll examples:

Live word cloud polls are an effective way to evaluate meetings and gather feedback from attendees. By using word cloud polls, meeting organizers can quickly identify the most common opinions and ideas expressed by attendees, and adjust their approach accordingly. This can help to improve future meetings, increased attendee satisfaction, and better overall meeting effectiveness. Read our 12 key meeting evaluation questions to run as polls. 

  • Who gave the best presentation today? 
  • What were the key takeaways from this meeting? 
  • What aspects of the meeting were most valuable to you? 
  • What could have been improved about the meeting? 
  • What topics or issues should be addressed in future meetings? 
  • What were the most effective communication methods used during the meeting? 
  • What aspects of the meeting felt least productive or engaging? 
  • What new ideas or perspectives did the meeting provide? 
  • What did you learn from the meeting that you can apply to your work or personal life? 
  • What key actions or follow-up items were identified during the meeting? 
  • What opportunities for collaboration or further discussion were identified during the meeting? 
  • What were the most important decisions made during the meeting? 

Medical industry word cloud examples:  

Live word cloud polls are a powerful tool that can be used in the medical industry to gather real-time insights and engage both healthcare professionals and patients. By using word cloud polls, medical professionals can quickly identify common themes and trends, and adjust their approach accordingly. This can lead to improved patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and better overall healthcare delivery. Additionally, word cloud polls can be used to gather feedback on new treatments, medications, or procedures, and to identify areas for improvement in the healthcare system. With the right platform, such as Vevox, live word cloud polls can be easily integrated into medical conferences, training sessions, and patient feedback sessions, providing a user-friendly and interactive way to gather valuable insights. Here are 15 questions you can use as live word clouds for feedback in the medical industry.

  • What are the most effective treatments for arrhythmia? 
  • What are the most common health concerns among your patients? 
  • How do you stay up to date on current events in the medical and healthcare industries? 
  • What do you like most about practising medicine? 
  • How do you collaborate with other physicians and nurses, and if so, how often? 
  • What do you do if you have a patient who complains of symptoms, but you cannot find a cause? 
  • What is your approach to dealing with upset or aggressive patients? 
  • If you were to specialize in another medical field, what would it be? 
  • What are the biggest challenges facing healthcare providers today? 
  • What are the most important qualities for a healthcare provider to possess? 
  • What are the most important ethical considerations in healthcare? 
  • What are the most important factors impacting patient satisfaction with healthcare services? 
  • What are the biggest opportunities for innovation in healthcare delivery? 
  • How can we better support our medical practitioners? 
    How can we improve our staff timetables? 

Start using word cloud polling in your meetings...

Sign up for a Vevox account today to experience live word cloud polls with your employees or customers. Make your meeting truly memorable by getting everyone involved and engaged with beautiful, interactive word clouds that are generated from audience feedback. Vevox is the #1 ranked platform for live polling by thousands of corporations over the world... just check out the reviews

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