Release date is 10th June 2024 and this is what you have to look forward to:
- New polling type- Rating scale
- Images with options in multiple choice questions
- Run multiple self-paced surveys and quizzes – at the same time!
- Shuffle self-paced survey/quiz questions for participants
- User specific image history bank
- Set custom settings for each poll
- Copy & paste QR Codes!
- Integration updates (Note: These will go live later in the week) including:
- LMS/VLE updates including student participation tracking
- PowerPoint updates including poll creation directly in PowerPoint
- Microsoft Teams updates including poll creation within the Teams side panel
Who are these features for?
This release has benefits for all Vevox users, but some new features will not be in all plan types. This will be clearly highlighted next to each feature discussed below.
Introducing the Rating Scale question type:
Available on Starter, Presenter, Pro and Enterprise/Institution plans
This new feature came in as a highly requested one, particularly from our education users. Inspired by the Likert Scale, this new feature will allow you to rate multiple items on a scale of 1 up to 10 and create labels for the highest and lowest values. Great for measuring opinions, attitudes, or behaviors, this new polling type is perfect for the classroom, training sessions and internal communications.
Add images to options in multiple choice questions (MCQs)
Available on Starter, Presenter, Pro and Enterprise/Institution plans
This simple but effective update is the natural evolution of our most popular Poll type the multiple choice question. Now you will be able to add an image alongside every answer choice, giving you and your audience more variety in response options. This is perfect for environments that require visual cues over text based questions.
Image History
Available on Starter, Presenter, Pro and Enterprise/Institution plans
To make working with images easy and efficient this release also sees the introduction of an image history bank to save you hunting around for your previously used or uploaded images. Similar to the personal question library update that holds previously asked questions that came in our March product release. From the day of release, each image you upload into your dashboard will be saved, so you can easily re-access them in other sessions.
Multiple self-paced surveys and quizzes
Available on Presenter, Pro and Enterprise/Institution plans
Coming in as another highly requested evolution, this time to our self-paced survey/quiz feature. We’ve expanded functionality to allow you to run both a self paced quiz and survey simultaneously in the same session (in fact you can run more than 2)! Surveys are fantastic for gathering feedback, and asynchronous quizzes are ideal for assessment, and you no longer have to choose between the two.
Shuffle self-paced survey/quiz questions for participants
Available on Starter, Presenter, Pro and Enterprise/Institution plans
Speaking of surveys and quizzes, this nifty little adaptation is designed to improve response authenticity by shuffling the order of your questions, so each participant has a unique view. Get an even truer picture of knowledge retention, and remove any temptation from participants to glance at the person’s device next to them!! If you want to make use of this feature simply switch on the toggle ‘shuffle for participants’ and your questions will be automatically shuffled, so each participant will see your questions in a random order.
Question specific settings
Available on all plans
Not all polls serve the same purpose or need the same amount of thinking/response time. For example a fast-paced quiz question might need some motivational audio and a 10 second countdown clock to create urgency, whilst in the same session another poll type like a word cloud might be utilized for a brainstorm requiring the pressure to be eased with 60 seconds given for people to share their thoughts. Question specific settings allow you more freedom and flexibility to control the flow of your presentation. There will now be a small toggle at the bottom of each poll question for you to choose between default session settings or setting custom timings and audio.
Copyable QR Codes
Available on all plans
Sorry for the delay on this one! The way our QR codes were previously generated in the platform, and Powerpoint add in meant they did not copy and paste as a single image. You could work round it, but it was a bit annoying! This issue has now been resigned to the past.
QR codes are the easiest way for participants to join your session, and this means you can simply copy your code onto any presentation materials, screens, flyers or communications – we've even seen them used on the sides of potted cactuses at a conference before!
Olympic (or anything!) quiz
Looking for a break or bit of fun with the team, students or family? Run our ready made Olympics quiz. It’s ready to go, great fun for getting in the 2024 Olympic spirit and demos the capabilities and new features of Vevox in a quiz setting perfectly. Just head to ‘Polls’ in your dashboard and import it so it's all ready to run. Alternatively, if you’d like to run a quiz on something else, simply use our AI question generator (also in ‘Polls’) to create a quiz on any subject, in seconds!
Poll creation and updates within Microsoft PowerPoint and Teams integrations
Available on all plans, releasing June 11th 2024
The new rating scale question type and images as answer choices will also be available in the Office 365 PowerPoint Add-in for those on Starter plans and above. In addition to this ALL Vevox users will be able to create polls within both the PowerPoint Add-in AND Microsoft Teams integrations, giving you a seamless experience where you don’t have to leave your presentation environment to create your Vevox content.
Updates to LMS/VLE integrations
Available on Enterprise/Institution plans
Key updates have also been added to the Vevox LTI integration to increase its functionality for our Education customers. Running multiple self-paced surveys/quizzes has been added to our LTI along with participation scoring and improvements to default activity naming. Participation scoring will bring in the option of marking participants based on involvement, not just correct answers, and the default naming for surveys in gradebook have been updated so educators can easily differentiate between the results of each session they run.
As always we welcome your feedback on this update (and any area of Vevox) and hope these improvements support you in providing even more unmissable classes, meetings, training or presentations…
Further information
- Join our Summer product update webinar on July 11th 2024 at 3pm UTC, to see the updates in action! Register here.
- Head to our comprehensive help site for further information on these updates and all features
- Admins: View a high-level summary of the product updates coming on our helpsite changelog
- Download the Office 365 PowerPoint Add-in here
- Learn more about the new slider rating poll