What are the key benefits of audience response systems?

Higher Education

Ben Waugh
by Ben Waugh
What are the key benefits of audience response systems?

Audience response systems (ARS) also known as student response systems or classroom response systems, are interactive tools that facilitate real-time communication and feedback between presenters and their audiences. These tools offer a range of features from live polling, Q&A, quizzes, surveys and other gamified options to create a lively audience atmosphere. 

Historicially, ARS had been handheld devices called clickers but now the majoritity of users use these tools via website applications on their own devices, be that computers, tablets or smartphones. Audience response systems are key to presenters being able to engage their audiences actively and gather instant feedback during presentations, lectures, or training sessions. It also offers an opportunity to run an additional channel to allow instant feedback from your audience to share ideas or questions through your presentation. 

What are the key benefits of audience response systems? 

The primary benefit of audience response systems is their ability to transform traditionally passive environments such as lectures and meetings into truly interactive, engaging experiences. By encouraging active participation and real-time feedback, these systems foster a more dynamic and inclusive learning or presentation environment. Ultimately there are many reasons why as an educator or meeting organizer you would choose to use an ARS tool but here is a list of the benefits if offers to you: 
  • Increased engagement and participation: These tools enable you to actively engage the audience by getting them to be involved in the discussion at all times and offer their insights. 
  • A two way conversation: Your presentations no longer become a one-way closed speech but an open discussion on a topic enabling you to involve the audience at any stage easily. 
  • Give everyone a voice: Unlike traditional classes or meetings, using an ARS enables everyone to have the opportunity to share their thoughts or questions. Having a level playing field regardless of personalities or comfort levels with public speaking is a powerful way to making your presentation discussion truly inclusive. This way you can get the view from everyone and more introverted individuals who may hesitate to raise their hands or voice their opinions.
  • Uninhibited and honest feedback through anonymity: Digital ARS tools can offer anonymity now which allows you to hear the thoughts and perspectives of your audience without them feeling intimidated.
  • Real-time feedback to act on: Because audience response systems create a dynamic and live experience, you can get instant feedback that you can act on straight away in the moment. This means you can change the course of your content on the fly or discuss the feedback then and there to create a meaningful discussion. 
  • Detailed reports and data to take action: ARS tools often provide detailed analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing for deeper analysis of the collected data. Presenters can identify areas of confusion or knowledge gaps, and tailor their future sessions or materials based on these insights. This real-time feedback loop not only enhances the effectiveness of the presentation or training but participants feel valued and involved, as their input directly shapes the direction and content of the session.
  • Active learning to increase knowledge retention: Rather than passively listening to a class or presentation, participants are actively involved through interactive quizzes, polls, and discussions. This active engagement stimulates critical thinking, promotes problem-solving skills, and makes them more likely to remember the learnings. The interactive nature of audience response systems also taps into various learning styles, catering to both visual and kinesthetic learners. 

Audience Response Tools as rated on the review site of G2

Audience response systems offer a multitude of benefits, but the only way to know if a certain tool suits your organization, existing tech stack and setup is to compare what's out there. Luckily for users, sites like G2 offer that information easily and you can see which tools are more appropriate for certain use cases, integrations and which providers are best for certain features or categories. Vevox is rated as a market leader on G2 and is also the number #1 rated platform by users across the multiple review sites out there. 

G2 Grid® for Audience Response Software


Where to start with an Audience Response System?

One of the key benefits of using web-based audience response systems is their ability to provide all the benefits above as well as offer flexibility, more control, a more streamlined process and reduced maintenance costs (as there is no bulky hardware to upkeep) and it's easy to start with. Most tools have online platforms that you can sign up for free (like the tools seen above on the G2 review site) so you can test all of the features and get a sense of what provider you think would be best for you organization. 

Create a checklist of all the requirements that you need from a provider, be that a feature set, SLA (support) requirements or accessibility needs. This way you can then start to put your research into practice. ARS tools can give you confidence going into your next class or meeting that it will help you to achieve your goals and make it an even more enjoyable, fun and engaging experience for all. Why not try Vevox out today for free? The number #1 ranked ARS out there. 

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