Live message wall
The #1 rated and trusted Q&A platform out there...

Engage participants with a live message wall
Invite the audience to contribute to your presentation by asking questions and sharing comments, which you will gather and display live on the message wall.
Vevox's live message wall is a dynamic way to show open text poll responses so that they can be displayed an insightful and clear way. This format not only captures the essence of audience sentiment by showcasing a diverse range of thoughts and ideas, but it also maintains interest as new messages animate into view by the most frequently entered responses.
Rated number 1 by our customers
We're top of the pile
Vevox has been great, as it has provided a simple and easy-to-implement competition style quiz that I had been looking for. All my students are able to easily access it, and Vevox makes it easy to make different quizzes for different classes and days! Highly recommend.

Live message wall FAQ's
Yes. We have developed our PowerPoint add-in which allows you to create and run polls, all from within your slide deck.
Yes! Depending on which Vevox subscription you have, you can create a variety of different poll types including, multi-choice, open text, word cloud, star rating, numeric, pin on image, ranking polls, image polling, XY plot and more!
We offer a very comprehensive free subscription plan. We even have a specific free plan especially for educators.