Aggregate Industries
Aggregate Industries has featured prominently in the HR and construction industry press for its approach to inclusion and communication, with particular focus on the positive impact introducing Vevox has had. The key points made by HR Director James Roberts links to the published articles shared below.

Aggregate Industries is a leading multi-national manufacturer and supplier of construction and building materials which operates throughout the UK, Europe and Scandinavia. With around 4000 employees working across multiple sites, Aggregate Industries has the challenge of engaging a highly dispersed workforce. Being able to allow a workforce of this size to all have their own opportunities to voice their ideas and feel heard by the organisaion is a challenge that the organisation wanted to overcome to promote more inclusivity.
We knew we needed a better way of engaging with everyone across the organisation.
The HR Director for Aggregate Industries, James Roberts, says: “Over time, we were becoming increasingly aware that when we got large groups together in company meetings, the same people raised their hands. We were not hearing from large swathes of the business. We knew we needed a better way of engaging with everyone across the organisation".
As a way to crowdsource ideas from their workforce and to generate more employee interaction and engagement with all their employees, Aggregate decided to utilise the Vevox app in their company meetings as explained in World Cement's article.
The app has mainly been used in company meetings to encourage questions through the anonymous Q&A board, where employees can upvote other people's ideas and suggestions by 'liking them' with a thumbs up. The leadership team will typically take the most popular questions in to account to provide responses. As the Q&A is anonymous, it provides a safespace for employees to contribute in full confidentiality, thus making it more inclusive and accessible to a wider audience. Snap polls are also used in meetings to get a quick analysis on how employees are feeling in the moment and to receive an instant display of data to how employees respond to certain business topics.
James Roberts explained: “Having this kind of technology in place has helped kick-start a change in the culture of our meetings. If you go back three or four years, they typically took the form of an update pitch from senior leaders on how the business was performing. Today, thanks at least in part to the technology, they are far more participative".
You can read the full story about how Aggregate Industries is using the app to increase employee engagement in meetings in this article by People Space: "Building employee voice through technology at Aggregate Industries".
Aggregate Industries is a multinational manufacturer and supplier of construction and building materials which operates more than 60 quarries in the UK and has several operations throughout Europe and Scandinavia.
Their operations include providing services to the transportation, construction, aviation, educaiton and property industry to name a few.