Atlantic Technological University Reviews Vevox vs Kahoot

Higher Education

Ben Waugh
by Ben Waugh
Atlantic Technological University Reviews Vevox vs Kahoot

Interactive learning tools are indispensable to the classroom environments and finding platforms that are easy to use, engage and help students learn is key.

Frances O'Donnell (an Instrutional Designer at Atlantic Technological University in Ireland) shared her analysis on TeachNet which offers a compelling look into two main players in the student engagement technology market: Kahoot and Vevox.

Frances says: “I must stress again that I am, and continue to be, a long-standing fan of Kahoot, but Vevox has recently impressed me, leaving me no choice but to concede that they are both EXCELLENT tools for making education more interactive, fun, and engaging”.

A long-time Kahoot advocate, Frances admits to being pleasantly surprised by Vevox, a platform she sees as a formidable rival to the ever-popular learning tool. Here's why Vevox is garnering such acclaim, even from those with a deep-seated loyalty to Kahoot. You can read the full independent comparison here.

Vevox vs Kahoot 

Kahoot has long held the crown in gamified learning. Its simplicity, animations and instant gratification of podium finishes have made it a staple for classes. Yet, Kahoot fan Frances O'Donnell, through her exploration, reveals how Vevox is starting to steal the spotlight, not by imitating but by innovating and leading it's own lane for higher education. 

Vevox review vs Kahoot
Vevox, traditionally seen as the more 'professional' choice with its polished interface and suite of tools for meetings and grown-up classrooms, has revamped its offerings, bringing the fun factor into serious learning environments.

"Vevox has Kahootified its offering," writes O'Donnell, highlighting the enhancements that have transformed its quizzes into engaging, competitive, and enjoyable learning experiences. Vevox's expansion of quizzing features such speed scoring, background music and many more adds a layer of excitement and tension to every Vevox quiz. Learn more about Vevox quizzes here

You can also see a comparison of Kahoot vs Vevox on the review site of G2 here to see what users are saying about the tools. 

Kahoot vs Vevox

Why Vevox stands out 

  • Professional feel: Suited for a wide range of settings, Vevox appeals to adult learners and professionals, making it more appropriate for colleges and univerisites. Kahoot is more broad in it's approach and has a clear focus on primary education as well. 
  • Constant innovation to increase student engagement: The inclusion of a leaderboard after every question, rewarding speed alongside accuracy, and ambient background music spices up the quiz environment, making learning an adventure. The blend of gamified quizzing with the professional feel adds to a more mature competitive environment. 
  • Focus on the learning experience: Vevox's approach shifts from merely being correct to enjoying the process of learning—encouraging quick thinking and participation, reducing the pressure often associated with quizzes through anonymity. 

Bridging the learning gap

The Atlantic Technological University's educator highlights an essential evolution in educational tools: Vevox is successfully merging the gap between professional, adult-focused learning environments and the captivating, interactive world of gamified education. It's a significant pivot, one that broadens Vevox's appeal and makes it more suitable to higher education establishments. 

Try Vevox for free today!

While Kahoot is a strong quizzing option with the many gaming options it offers, Vevox's position as a #1 rated tool for higher education institutions, offering users seeking a more mature, yet equally engaging, learning tool and experience. It's also a tool that it used in many workplaces therefore giving students experience of a tool that they could be using following their graduation into the wider world. 

As Frances reflects on her comparison review, “I Each tool offers unique strengths, allowing educators to choose based on their needs and budget. I’m delighted to see Vevox bringing the competitive fun I love in Kahoot to its users, meaning we can all share in the fun of learning!”

Why not try Vevox for free? Sign up today to try out live polling, quizzes, Q&A and more!

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