Internal Comms Meeting Bingo

Internal Comms

Peter Eyre
by Peter Eyre
Internal Comms Meeting Bingo

Heather Small’s ‘Proud’ pulsing through the speakers, wildly enthusiastic employees ‘on the bus’ and an enthralling 100 slide PowerPoint presentation with line by line animations interspersed with inspirational quotes and stock images… Sound familiar?

Internal comms meetings can be an invaluable tool for employee engagement and key to uniting the team for the challenges ahead… OR at the other end of the scale, a dry one-way delivery of information and cringe fest. The latter is thankfully becoming a thing of the past as organisations place increasing focus on the importance and value of good workforce engagement.

Industry professionals agree that rather than relying on a single activity an integrated strategy and core values that champion engagement within the business are key. Modern Internal comms meetings such as staff conferences, Town Halls or All Hands meetings are increasingly a crucial element of those strategies. These meetings have been revolutionised in the last couple of years by mobile technologies as well as workforce expectations and behaviours.

So, are your internal comms meetings engaging, informative, interactive experiences befitting a business in 2017 or… a relic of the past?

We had a bit of fun and using our experiences, we came up with some of the most regularly reported highs and lows of comms meetings - the result? Our Internal Comms Bingo card! Download it here. 

If you’ve got any other clichés or clangers that we’ve missed, or perhaps some inspirational ideas for more effective meetings- Why not send them to us on Twitter @VevoxApp with #InternalCommsBingo - we would love to hear your thoughts.