Thanks to ALL for taking part... here’s the Vevox Virtual Pub quiz report for 17th April 2020.
Our two winners have now both received amazon vouchers for their outstanding performances and, just like the Lotto, winners can remain anonymous or share it with the (social) media...
For those that missed it, or just want to relive the memories, here's what happened:
- 81 people took part, 1944 poll responses were collected and 19% of people submitted a 'joke' or comment.
- Over half of you thought you’ll be out of lockdown by June…
- You're missing friends and the pub the most…
- You’re very kind/not kind folks!!
- The toughest round was music, and the most challenging question was…
- The easiest questions were...
- Our two winners still got 10 wrong!!
- You’re a funny bunch… (?!)
And finally, THANK YOU you provided some really helpful feedback in the post quiz survey…
- It was GREAT to see you all!